we read books 30 years ago and walked on the street, at home helped. and now you do not read books, walk in the street, do not help at home, just siting in your computer and degrade.

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we read books 30 years ago and walked on the street, at home helped. and now you do not read books, walk in the street, do not help at home, just siting in your computer and degrade., Мем  Злые родители
we read books 30 years ago and walked on the street, at home helped. and now you do not read books, walk in the street, do not help at home, just siting in your computer and degrade. Мем Злые родители
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we read books 30 years ago and walked on the street, at home helped. and now you do not read books, walk in the street, do not help at home, just sit in your computer and degrade.
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we read books 30 years ago and walked on the street, at home helped. and now you do not read books, walk in the street, do not help at home, just siting in your computer and degrade., Мем  Злые родители
we read books 30 years ago and walked on the street, at home helped. and now you do not read books, walk in the street, do not help at home, just siting in your computer and degrade., Мем Злые родители