We want the right to blow our minds, as crazy as it seems

Мем Это Спарта

We want the right to blow our minds, as crazy as it seems, Мем Это Спарта
We want the right to blow our minds, as crazy as it seems Мем Это Спарта
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This is Полтораха!!!
И тут я начал уничтожать ее хуеплетов
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Change your taste in men
The world is run by clowns with trigger-happy hands
 The world is run by lying, drunk, balding, know-it-alls
 гордыня всегда предшествует краху.
 we want hospitals and equal rights instead of fucking wars
Put your hands in the air, and wave them like you give a fuck
Такое ощущение, что человечество вряд ли переживёт этот год
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We want the right to blow our minds, as crazy as it seems, Мем Это Спарта
We want the right to blow our minds, as crazy as it seems, Мем Это Спарта